"Pak China friendship is higher than Himalayas, deeper than ocean, sweeter than honey, and stronger than steel Global politics is always characterized with three tendencies; namely, cooperation, competition and confict. dationship of the two countries is not limited to the economic cooperation, but a time tested ationship based on mutual trust, respect, regional cooperation, and assistance. Both leaders rightly proclaimed the Pak-China relations as a deep rooted tree. istoric CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) first of all propased by Chinese Premier Li Qiang on nà May 2013 and it was singed on 20th April 2015 by Chinese president Xi linping and Pakistani premier the Nawaz Sharif. CREC is a collection of infrastructure that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan. Originally valued at 46 US Billion Dollars, the value of CPEC Projects is now worth 62 billion dollars (2018). Through the initiative of CPEC which include building a new road network along with a railway line, an airport, dry ports, neighboring countries like Afghanistan and India could also benefit from this corridor by linking their Countries with this network. Moreover, these plans also include New Silk Road linking the region with Europe through Central Asia which will nat only benefit Pakistan and China but intends broader goals of regional peace, progress and prosperity to the whole region. In fact it would be game changer. Indian Frustration: India has made no effort to conceal their unease and has openly voiced her displeasure by condemning the CPEC project. However, both China and Pakistan are fülly dedicated to turn CPEC into reality against all odds. This is naturally an alarming situation for India which is finding it hard to curb it's frustration anymore. As is evident from present PM Narendra Modi's speech at a conference, in which he resolutely disapproved the initiative of China- Pakistan Economic Corridor. In very vivid terms he warned that China should stop developing the CPEC or be prepared to face dire consequences in Baluchistan. India is bent upon disallowing the passage of CPEC through Azad Kashmir. India considers Azad Kashmir as "Pakistan Occupied Kashmir", and it assumes that it has the natural right of jurisdiction over whole of Kashmir. On the other hand, constructing the corridor through Azad Kashmir means China considers it a part of Pakistan which comes in direct clash with India's stance on Kashmir. rebellious activities in Karachi and Baluchistan, specified some Indo-Iranian nexus. Later, arrest of some Aighan spies in Baluchistan further uncovered Indo-Afghan alliance. Also, droning of Mullah Mansur further orought such facts into the attention, which strengthened assumption regarding Indo-Afghan- Iran nexus. once, Gwadar port is functional, China not only gets three times reduction in the total distance that would heed to be covered by the Chinese trading ships but China will also get an easy access into Indian ocean, The imprisonment of Indian naval officer Kulbushan Yadev, along with a huge spy network carrying out ereby undermining India's supremacy and influence in the region. Chines expected naval edge over India is naturally causing unrest among the military and civil circles.The strategic game changer: The strategic game changer project, CPEC, is biggest ever investment for both China and Pakistan that is poised to change the future course of history for both countries. It aims to connect Gwadar port in the south western Pakistan to China's northwestern autonomous region of Xinjiang, via a network of highways, railways and pipelines to transport oil, gas and other goods. The CPEC is of enormous strategic and economic significance to China, Pakistan and other regional countries. For China the CPEC would reduce the travelling distance, for its huge volumes of trade with the Gulf countries, from existing 13000 kilometers to mere 2500 kilometers. It will cut down the travelling time from the existing 45 days to only 10 days, and it will also reduce the cost of freight by one third. Through CPEC, China will be able to trade with South Asia, West Asia, the Middle East and North Africa through a much shorter route. After completion of CPEC, Pakistan's national income will also increase since it will get royalties or transit fee on huge volumes of Chinese and Central Asian Republics (CARS) exports and imports to and from West Asia, South Asia, Middle East and North Africa through CPEC, being the shortest route. Hence, the importance of CPEC is such that it is being hailed as a " fate or game changer" by the Pakistan.


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