CAUSES AND SOLUTION Rajesh Kumar Gor Lecturer Commurication is an integral part of se om eistence and language is ns bet form teser being lingua franca of the worid is the ne to major source for developing countres like P es comnunicate across the wortld as well n t se se shoulder to shoulder with the international conue re English is taught as a second language in Pkstanser s is sorry ta say that Engish Langtuage Teachng te s unsatisfactory in Pakistan and faled in produonge Erglish speakers. English speaking has always re a major huredie for Pakistan) students When there anguage learners in Pakistan make ae pronunciation mistakes. Due to poor accena mispronunciation they cannot study at univenits English speaking countries. Moreover, they fail touan intemational English ianguage tests such as IEUS T required for availing schoiarships in the Lrited Kingen or the United States. The verbal communicatee Pakistani students sometimes lead tnem to bee unintellegble to native speakers of Engish ourt mispronunciation. Right pronunciation makesthen communication more effective and attractive Ketpe in view the importance of proper accent and e pronunciatian in Engtish, there is a dire need toadde the problem of English mispronunciation. in orders overcome the grave problem of mispronuncatioo, t necessary to identify the reasans fot mispronuncaton There are many reasons for mispronunciation of Ene words. The first and foremost reason t mispranunciation is lack of listening practice. na educational system both listening and speaking a neglected areas. Our students do not nave exposu native speakers either directly or indirectly via intent Listening is not the part of syllabus or testing ayen from primary to university education. Due to laae listening practice, our students make pronuncale mistakes, it is said that a good listener is a good spele Due to poor listening, the speaking ability of fnel learners in Pakistan is also affected. They feef ther incompetence in listening and speaking when they tot Anerican done aaoss, the wond drone' haarone chnsiogy Becme so far in atistan that even a child knows ts mesing trones (onmed aerial vehicies) UAVs ant going to pliay a veai nole in our future Pakistan ams has alse menuhactured its drone Burag for both sunvelance and attacsing requrements. Apart from mity dores ane piaying their role in many other Selts ofie Mlany media chasnels are using drones to Selwer cargos to concemed consumers. Mamy states of America ans ether countries are intending to use aones for crime oontrol. Police in many countries are aeady desending drones Even Sindh Police has anmounced that dacoits wil be traced through drones. Oheap diones with advance sensors and imaging capabities ane giving farmers hew ways to increase eids and reduce croe damage Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is the study and use of structures benween one nanometre and hundred nanometres in siae Togive you an idies of how small that is, it will take eght hundred nanometre particles side by side to match the width of a human hair. Nandtechnology has changed our present and future in following felds Medicine: scientists are developing customized nanopartides the size of molecules that can deliver dugs directly to diseased cells in your body. This mehod ail greatly reduce the damage such as chengtherapy does to patients healthy cells. Electronics: Nanotechnglogy can increase the capablities of electronics devices while we reduce v mheirweight and power consumptions. Foad companies are developing nonmaterial that will maie a difflerence not only in the taste of food, but also int food safety and health benefits that food delivers. Besides this, nanotechnoiogy is being used
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