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verbose and legny ntro nes hon shones hove enhe Ha we, he shot tores stant not weh the
abroet set he a e word than the reired ne he the a anof snyne his vest mesoge in an tew words a bosuthe the soie porpose of a sthort story Hie snenher a hectve wtet nor an obiectre one No oneconporae he and the tmes Mantowas having an mdhul wnie reading his short stores Hevees ha hen wores in the wories of othens hence he towes ton the indvdualiom to the collectiviam, the petct mamble ot the homanitarian attitude. He adsed to the prose of Urdo Uterature that really needed such kindh of bold sublects to be dealt with the finer touches at pem, coloured with acute observation and preserted weh the vivid and pictonal description of what srealty but the people of the society closing their ees at iand tuming a deaf ear to t He for the first time chihed the attention of the readens of the Urdu tterature to the poychological atttude of drunkard in the sreet a maid, a prostitute and people from humbier socal grounds and moral erounds, which have never been so beautifully and realistically presented.
e esperienced his magic pen on the criminak snd way warts at well Hie didn't write with the purpove of reforming the society he himself was a part but he resented the picture of society as it was Manto belongn to that field of the writers who have set the oends tor the net generation to march on He is very comroversial writer whose stories and books were charged with nudity He was a very brave witer tie a troe wrter he owned the entire worid other than owinga partcular piece of land and small erouo of the people Hes the asset of not only the sub continent but of the entire worid and he lownd caliong himsel a cosmopoltan wrter im his wrongs especialy short tories he touched very senstive nsues which other wren dared not to try ther pens on. Hie falis wictim to bon the conervatves and the progressive of his tme Mato was a troe historan and he presented the traety of the migaton with guch an accuracy and
d as the chronotogcal and the desconptivet of te hatory the short sory ariter of sucha Ne ature es not sinowledeed in his ife. Thereisa e f at muang Mastois wtngs public so as tooatess mat ha dhort stories on partnion are
contenporary sociery
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