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International English

 interational tests of English like TOEFL or IELTS Anothe main reson for English mispronunciation is unqualitiee

Engelish teachers cannot teach according to modern standards if the pronunciation of teacher is not good or according to the standard, he will pass the same poor c ponunciation to the students. Lack of knowledge about sound system of English language is also a main reason tor mispronunciation of English. Most of the Englishand untrained Engish teachers, Due to lack of trainingاn

learners ate unfamiliar with phonology and pronounce

ery Engilish word according to orthographic system of Engish language which does not always produce the right pronunciation. Influence of mother tongue or First Language (L) is also a cause of mispronunciation. There se many sounds in English language which don't exist in national or regional languages of Pakistan like Urdu Sindhi, Punjabi, Pushto and Saraiki. in the result many Pak stani speakers use the related sounds of their first tanguage Ll while pronouncing English sounds. There is discrepancy between English orthography and Englist sounds which accounts for mispronunciation of English ounds. There are multiple sounds of the same letters, It isalso a noticeable difficulty in pronunciation that there are many letters and combinations of letters which oroduce numerous sounds at different places. For example: CH is pronounced as CH, K, SH. Similarly, 'c praduces two sounds as 'S', 'K'. How can 44 sounds of a tanguage be pronounced with the help of 26 letters?

Stressing the difference between English sounds and English orthography, George Bernard Shaw a famous English dramatist said that the word 'GHOTI' may be pronounced as 'FISH' because 'GH' give the sound of 'F as in rough, tough etc., 'O' give the sound of  as in women and "TI' give the sound of 'SH' as in motion, lotion tc. 50, the discrepancy between English sounds and English orthography leads to atrocious pronunciation mistakes. Fossilization is also a reason for mispronunciation because there are many traditional English speakers who mispronounce the words but when they are said to correct the pronunciation, they do not agree to adapt it. The traditional, rigid and stubborn atritude towards mispronunciation reinforces it further.

ame English learners mispronounce the words unconsciously. It is difficult to unlearn the things. f someone is used to mispronouncing the words

unwittingly, he will continue to mispronoumce the words unconsciously even if he tomes to kinow the correct pronunclation. Over generalization has also ts doe share in mispronunciation, English leamens apply any ruie to all the similar words. The pronunciation of Choice ane Chef, food and foot, cut and put, etc. is not the same.

There are many ways to address the probtem of mispronunciation. Fiesty, there is dire need to reform and amellorate our education system whenit isa known fact that there is loophole in the education syitem. The first step which must be taken now is to recrut the qualified and knowledgeable teachers and further provide them training sessions to enhanice their Englisch pronunciation skills so that they can teach the correct pronunciation to the students. Secondy, Iistening shauld be Included in both our syllabus and testing system. Thirdly, Exposure to native pronunciation should be given to the learners, Teachers should explore the maximum istening resources and encourage the learners to watch Standard Engish news channels like BSC and CNN, English movies and listen to English song.

Fourthly, English tearners shouid be aware of sounds system of English language. In order to remove the discrepancy between English orthography and Engiah ounds, familarity with phonetics and phonology is necessary. Last but not the least, leamers should be encouraged to practice English pronunciation more and more as it is a famous saying that practice makes a man perfect


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