ecand daspora took place at various polints during erententh and nineteenth centuryin diferent wyt
pet with very different resuits from those of fre daupora. During second diaspora Engish i transfered
e Ais and Africa with the help of colanization Englihe
manfered to the South Asian region on the prentes of wade or businest British came to this retion for trade
Mazhar Ali Memon
purpoies with the estabilishment of East india Cornpany
sterith century but slowly and gradualy they took oetrol ol the whole region. From that time English was
fe witout conservation of natur reoare
nroduce in the edocational syiten of South Asia, Even
werule be e a dear lisening to musie ar blivnd
today English enjoys the official statu in inn und
Pistan along with Hindi and Urdu
jowing dance performance. Natural reieurces afec tiel te of a moifernman, diresly or insinectly The
proih irfhuerice in South East Asia bngan in the nghaenth centory as a result of seataring epedition of
impat is quite wsbe it conuner leent, innty iel
ames Cook and others. The main teritores involed
ani meant ofraespotation and soor Ho ome can deny
Sngapore, Malaypla, Hong Kong and the Phuliopiets and
he fact that natural resources n its d ferst
te seed of English was implanted in these countries.
r anfestation ane te ulirate driv nge force, Consumer
Recenty use of Erglish has increased in Singaponr anda
using it to oun sher dalle ie, industry meeds it to
bocal variety has begun to emerge but use of Engish in
maintain ats production ine while transport industry is
Malaysia has declined due to emergerce of loca
using at to serve the commuters. As a resilt, this hey
Languoge Bahasa Malaysia
Bependente gave birth to the arablems of reourte
trgish is West Africa is linked ta slave trade. From tie
management in lsef and today a retoure rich country
ttenth century onwards British traders traveiies to
and from the various territories of West Africa, English
lay exposed to the probiema it social, eronomit ans
ws employed as lingua franca betweern the indigenous
people and British traders. Hence Englisth was
There i no denying tie fact that Paknstan ia one of the
oduced to the West Africa. In east Africa inglins
richest countries in ters of tural resources ad its
sllowed a different path. Here the British settied and
mamense geo trategit potertial. But sadiy dis one of
torm colonies and hence English was introdutnd as a
the potrest tountries in terres of is management af
msult of colonization. The first dispersal of Enelish gve
resturces. The courtry is abandant of reoures
birth to other native varieties of English, English as t
Natne Language (ENL) and the sncond dispersal of
including that ot enersy. agricultural, mineral,
tngilsh resulted in the emergente of Erglshasa Second
population and geography neds n splenation, tut
uanguage (ESL. Keeping in view the importance of
urike sne developed countries, these havr not ben
Ereglish and its spread to almast every country of the
propetly uticed dye to por nanagements. Thia ditmal
worid, we should change our mindset and regard English
situation is catsed dun toseveral faws which nane leto
as our own English, Oniy the British do not own Engtinh
poor govetance of contry since its inceptian escept
biteveryone owns English today
some brief tines of seontmie properity Presalere political rialty ant instabity woruening low and ordre situation and rampant cortuption havn led to resoufce
derveitipment impasse.
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