The General Assembly is the largest ongan of the ts UN. A members of the UN are members of the ar General Assembly. Each state can send up to fiwe oo representatives but is entitled to one vote in the set Assembly. This ensures that all the members states att have equal states. The Genoral Assembly meets me ance a year for three months. But special sessions 5) may be held during the times of crises. At the Th beginning of every session the Assembly elects a Ge new preslident


The security council is the most important and de effective organ of the UN. It is the executive wing of o the UN. The security council consists of 15 r Members. Five of them are permanent members, f namely (i) Britain (i) China (i) Franice (iv) Russian G federation (v) The USA. The 10 non-pormanent P members are elected by the General Assembly fora term of two years. Each member has ore vote. n Decisions are taken by a majority vote of at least nine members including the five permanent members. Each permanent member has the power to veto a decision. This means a negative vote by any ane of the permanent members would lead to a cancellation af the resolution.


The International Court of Justice, lacated in the Hague, Netherlands, is the principal judicial organ of the united Nations. The court consist of 15 Judges from different countries elected by the Genera Assombly and the security Council. They are elected for a nine year term. No two judges can be citizens of the same country.

The Trusteeship Council was set up immedately afer the second world war. It was set up to ensure the proper administration and development ol those areas of the world that were under foreign rule. The council was also to take steps to help them attain self government. By 1994 all trust Territorie had atained self-government. The Council will now meet only ifrequired to do so.4) THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL

5 THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: The ECOSOC consist of 54 members elacted by the General Assembly for a three year

aftar the second world war. It was set up to ensure

the ptoper adrinistration and development of those areas of the word that were under foreign nule. The courncil was also to take steps te help them attain self govemement By 1994 all trust Torritoaries had attained self-goverment. The Council will w meet only if reguired to do so


Tho ECOSOC corsist of 54 members elected by the Generai Assembly for a three yearterm


The secrotariate is the prncipal administratvn departmert of the UN, It is headed by the secretary General appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the security Council for atemm of five years. He can be re-siected. Present secretary Generalis Ban Ki-Moon belongs to South Korea PRESENT SCENARIO OF UNO:

The UNO has became successfua to some extont in resolving issue. But it looks powetless organization like GCC, OIC and the Arab Lsague. The UNO is boing used as a tool by the USA, The UNO could no resolve the bearing issued like Kashmit and Palestine. The USA atacked on Irag and Afghanistan by bypassing the UNO. The innocent and armiess people of Palestine are being billed by the zeonist state of Israel but the UNO is completely silent on this issue, India is violating the tesolutions

on the Kashumir vailey

I is the most important tor the intermatonal organization that it shouid piay unbiased tole fon every nation, Its main purpose to keep beace in the woris should be maintained. There is no representation of the Muslim countries in UNSC A least two leading Mustim countries should be included in UNSC. The UNO shoulg help those ountries who are fighting against the tetrorsm e especially Pakistan shoukd be heliped in this regand.

e The UINO shouid be helped play the neutrai role to in resolve the hot issues I is necessary for her ad sutvival, otherwse it wauld be declared ineffectual w ike GCC. OIC and SAARC.



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