Allah Wadhayoo

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lens) and located above the corners of develops the echolocation, sonar syster surround and their prey. Doiphins breath blowhole located on the top of their heads Behavior:

Indus River dolphins are usually found indis pairs, but have been occasionally seen in lrnl up to 10 or more animals. indus River swimming behavior is often described as timid and reserved. This species is fred swimming on its side, especially when incat at the water's surtace, these an mals car orea lift their heads and beaks out of the water t may occur as a response to threats arc disturbances.

Pepulation of the induas Blind Dolphin in iver lndls from Chashma Barrauei to Kotri Barrage

er dolhin is  subspecies of the

river dolphin (Platanista Rangetical Indus

hver dolphins, sometimes called bhulans, are one of the two separate subspecies of south Asian river dolphins indus dolphin is the mammal not a fish as most common think, it breathe as other mammal do it is vivparous and takes care their oflspring. Geographical Distribution and their Number: The indus River dolphin subspecies is one of the worid's most endangered cetaceans throughout the indus river sytem specially found between Guddu barrage and Sokkur barrage of Sindh provinces of Pakistan fresh

shallow water Imran Malik, the World wildlife Fund's senior project officer in Sukkur, told The Express Tribune that during the super-fiood of 2010, most of the blind doiphin population was washed away towards the Kotri Barrage.

Accordng to Malik, there are 1425 blind dolphins in the Rlver indus, out of which 9b were recorded between the Chashma and Taunsa barrages, 465 between the Taunsa and Guddu barrages, 857 between the Guddu and Sukkur barrages and 34 between the Sukkur and Kotri barrages. He added that only two dolphins were found between the Jinnah and Chashma barrages in the 2001 survey. so no survey was conducted here in 2012, MORPHOLOGY

Indus River doiphins are about 7-8.5t[2.2-2.6 m) and weigh 150-200 lbs (70-90 kg). Indus river dolphin has sexual dimorphism; Females are slghtly larger than The Indus River Dolphin has a long beak (rostrum) and a yocky body,. It has a low triangular hump on its back in place of a true' dorsal fin. it is gray brown in color sometimes with a pinksh belly. Extremely small eyes and noticeaole external ears. A longitudinal ridge can be found on the beak as well as from the dorsal fin to the tail. he eyes are poorlydeveloped (lack a crystalline eye





e. Skbr Barrsee


Kotn tarnoe


ohins generalhy dive for 30-90 seconds of holdins their breath for up to several During dives they use their lont beaks to probe

t along the bottom of the river to feed on uch as clarns, sh, ahd shrimp. They have 2b9 of teeth in each jaw that are useful for grasping

The Tang•lke teeth n the lower iaw de

comparatively ionger and curved. and may interlock overiap, and be visible outside the mouth. As these animals get older, the teeth become worn-down. Groups may coordinate their inovements to cooperatively teed UFE CYCLE:

Indus River do phns become sexually mature at engths of about 5.5 ft (1.7 m) or more, and begin breeding between 6-10 vears of age. Females gve birth vear round to a single calf that is about 2-3ft (0.7-0.9 ml long. Mothers may also nurse calves for about I year belore weaning. The estimated lifespan of this species is about 30 years.

CONSERVATION EFFORTS: The international Union for Conserv Natural Resources UCNSl Red List of Species and considers this species dec ning popdation status and trends The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Pakista and the United Nations Development Prog has deve oped programs to rescue trapped dolohins. Wildlle reserves were created and ban mglemented aong therver in Pakistan 1980s for the protection and conservat species.


indus River dolphins have been incidentally teken as bycatch in fsheries such as gilinets and log ines.

These animals have also been targeted and harpooned by local fisherman for bat, medcine, and meat and oil for consumption.

3. Indus river dolphins are affected by human development and other anthropogenic impacts such as hydroelectric dams and irrigation canals (e.&. Indus Basin Irrigation System) that can separate populations, and reduce and aliter suitable habitat. Individuals have been entrapped in irrigation canals along the river and tstributaries.

4. They are also affected by pollutants and other contaminants discharged into the water from agriculture, industrial, and urban use. These contaminants have led to fish kills, which may deplete Indus River dolphins prey.

Hot water released from the Guddu therma power Station, industrial waste released by factories in Ghotki dstrict and Sukkur, the re ease of sewage by residentson


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