t people read Khol Do, they might be teingted to

Vijesh Kumar

become rapists" were the comments by Justice Javed

Lecturer in English

abal about Khol Do. a controversial short story by

partiton dully coloured with human, bleod with the

Sadat Hassan Manto. Manto, the icon of Urdu short

brush of sobs and sorrows prevaling verywhere. Hin

story writing, is deemed to be the most controversial

position in the nistory of the fiction of the Urdu

writer the Urdu iterature has ever witnessed as far an

iterature can never be underestimsated as he too

the content of his stories and the art of presentation is

Urdu fictian to the perfection, He is the short

concerned. Sadat Hassan Manto was the most daring

storywriter of all ages. He added variety in the field of short story both in presertation and inthe content.He

and the realist short story writer and is the Dionysusof

added histotical aspect in the fiction. His short sories

the short story. He shook the strong foundatiars of

on partition are the true and realist on account of

the religlous, social and moral doctrines by

what the largest partition in the history of world has

highlighting the evils behind the shiny and glittering

witnessed show that it was not the partition of twe

faces. He exposed the darker side of so called out

rommunities practicing different religlous doctrines

civilzed society where the people of the lower mora

but was the partitian of human souls and the wordles

footings and out of their economic compulsions are

were not of the Muslims and Hindus but of the

forced to live the life which is not acceptable to our

humians. Like a very true historian Manto was the

collective morality. Manto has been charged several

citiren of this huge cosmos and considered the entire world a sacred one. He belonged to no caste, colour

times in the court of law for exposing the true picture

and creed, Humanity was his religion. Conveying the

of those strata of the society which never succeeded

true facts in appealing lyries with the eactness of

in alluring the attention of the ink of the writers in so

ideas and preciseness of words is not an easy task

called civilized society. For his boldness and rebel

Onlya keen observer like Manto with the microscopic.

against the existing norms of the society he attainied

facuity of observation can attait and handie such a

the rivalry from almost all the social, religious,

difficult task It was Manto who put the short story af

econamic and political extremists. Manto was calleda

the 20 century an the strong pedestai of the reaity

danger to our social and religious morality by not only

and used it as the meritorious source of chrnology

the clerics and orthodox people but also the

and history. His stories present the pictorial image ot

progressive and the leftist writers who live in thei

the worries and woes of the largest partition the

own moral, religious and progressive Shangri-la ane

worid has ever witnessed. His short stories can reaily

dare not to see the real image of the society they are

be called as the history in fiction, Like a devoted ann

residing in. For less courageous, orthodox and the

the true historian he neves let his personal felings

escapists, Manto will only be the writer of the filthy

dominate over the job he was committed to do.

stories who wrote with a deliberate intention to

Manto is not only the wrter of fiction but also the

appeal the lower sentiments of the people. This has

Marxist, psychoathalyst, who plunges deep in to the

been one of the reasons that the realist writer of such

mind of the people and portraysin the beads ef words

a high stature was sold secretly in the khaki envelops

without adding or minting it, a true historian of

so as to satisty the cheap sexual urge of the street

partition. Not oniy did Manto perfect the content of

mongers. Manto too stands a threat to those pseudo

the short story but the form as well Plts of his short

patriots who deemed partition as a blessing anda way

stories are exemplary with nio ary digression as the

to the laboratory to taste and validate the application

story proceeds furtiher. He very suctessfully mantairs

of the Islamic norms and code as he very clearly and

the feeling of what comes next from the beginning to

vividly presented the dark and ugly painting of

the end. He to knows very wel how to play with the

-sement Degree College Ghotkf


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