me General Assombly is the largest organ of the the proper adrinintration and tevlopment of thote UN. Al members of the UN are members of the areas of the wodd that were under foreign rule, The cuneral Assembly. Each state can send up to five council wias also to tako stops to help them attain moresentatives bul is entitied to one vote in the self govomment By 1994 all trust Terntories hadt Assembly. This ensures that alli the membars states attained sel-government, The Council will noa have equal states. The General Assembly meets meet ornly if required todo soater the second world war It was sot up to onsure

once a year for three months. But special sessions 5)THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIALCOUNCIL

may be held during the times of crises. At the The ECOSOC consist of 54 members elected by the beginning of every session the Assembly elects a General Assenbly for a three year lerm

hew president



The secrelariate is the principal administratve

The security council s the most important and departmert of the UN It is headed by the sacretary

effective organ of the UN. It is the executive wing of General appointed by the General Assembly on the

me UN. The security council consists of 15 recormendation of the security Council for a term of

Members. Five of them are permanent members, five years. He can be re-elected. Present secretary

namely (i) Britain () China (i) France (v) Russian Generaiis Ban Ki-Moon belongs to South Koree

faderation (v) The USA. The 10 non-permanent PRESENT SCENARIO OF UND:

members are eiected by the General Assembly fara The UNO has becomme successfui to some extent in

tem of two years. Each member has ors vote, resolving issue. But it looks powerfess organizaton

Decisions are taken by a majority vote of at least like GCC, OIC and the Arab League. The UNO is

nine members including the five permanont being used as a tool by the USA. The UNO could not

members. Each permanent member has the power resolve the bearing issued like Kashmit an

to veto a decision. This means a negative vote by Palestine. The USA attacked on lraq an

any ohe of the permanent members wouid lead toa Aighanistan by bypassing the UNO, The innocen

cancellation of the resolution

and armiess people of Palestine ate being billed by


the zeonist state of Israel, but the UNO is complete

The Intemational Court of Justice, localed in the silent on this issue. India is violating the resolutiore Hague, Netherlands, is the principal judicial organof on the Kashmir vailey.

the united Nations. The court consist of 15 Judges It is the most important foe the intemation from different countries elected by the Generai organization that it shouid play unbiased roie t Assombly and the security Council. They are every nation, Its main purpose to kep peace in th elected tor a nine year term, No two judges can be worid should be maintained There isrepresentation of the Muslim countres in UNSC

least two lelading Muslim countries should

The Trusteeship Council was set up immedately included in UNSC. The UNO shouid hetp thociizens of the same country.4THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL:

atter the second world war. It was set up to ensure countries who ate fighting against the terron4THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL:

the proper administration and development of those especially Pakistan should be helped in this rega

council was alsa to take steps to help thern attain resolve the hot issues It is necessary torargas of the world that were under foreign rule. The The UNO shouid be helped play the neuitral role

seif government. By 1994 all trust Terntorie had survival, otherwise it would be declared ineffect

sttained self-government. The Council will now like GCC, OICand SAARC.

5 THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL The ECOSOC consist of 54 members elected by the General Assembly for a three yeameet only if required to do so.


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